Speaker: Rev. Jennie Barrington

Some UU Views of God

  The Rev. Jennie Barrington, Interim Minister   Opening Words [Terry Tempest Williams]: “I pray to the birds. I pray to the birds because I believe they will carry the messages of my heart upward. I pray to them because I believe in their existence, the way their songs begin and end each day—the invocations … Continue reading Some UU Views of God

Why We Keep Doing Church

the Rev. Jennie Barrington, Interim Minister   Opening Words: Our opening words this morning are “gratitude, sorrow, relief, and determination.” As we think of the ways the flooding disaster could have been worse, we are grateful that it was not worse. I am grateful for our church building; for all of you here, and for … Continue reading Why We Keep Doing Church

A Holy Host of Others Standing ’round Me

  [Inaugural Worship Service]   the Rev. Jennie Ann Barrington, Interim Minister   SERMON: “A Holy Host of Others Standing ’round Me”   Several weeks ago, I asked your wonderful Director of Religious Education, Nancie Shillington-Perez, what she would like to hear a new interim minister preach about at the start of this new interim … Continue reading A Holy Host of Others Standing ’round Me

Our Second Annual Standing Up Against Gun Violence Sunday

(Rev. Jennie preaching) Congregations across South Carolina will stand together this morning to address the moral and public-health crisis of gun violence and take steps to reduce it that don’t threaten the Second Amendment right to lawfully own guns. Last year over 1,000 congregations participated. We are proud to be part of this advocacy which is sorely needed in our … Continue reading Our Second Annual Standing Up Against Gun Violence Sunday

The Salem Witch Trials

Regardless of the outcome of the Presidential Election, we will still be feeling some big emotions, and our nation will be in need of healing and reconciliation. The period of the Salem Witch Trials was a time when communities were divided, too, especially between those who welcomed new ideas, enterprises, and people from far off … Continue reading The Salem Witch Trials