Speaker: Joseph Eisenreich
Joseph has been attending the UUCC for a couple of years and feels excited to finally have someplace he can consider a “spiritual home” for not only himself but his two daughters. He and his husband met at USC, where he studied theatre, then moved to the San Francisco Bay Area where he got an MA in Comparative Literature examining the ways literature can aid in formation and maintenance of a national identity. Specifically, his culminating research was in post-fascist Japanese literature. He is currently back at USC, pursuing an MAT in Mathematics with the hope of being one of the more unique math teachers in the Columbia area who infuses his mathematics classroom with the humanities as much as possible. His passion is education and he believes, firmly, that people will do the right thing if they just have all the information.
He has been a practicing Zen Buddhist and has had an interest in Shinto and Animism for a couple decades, as well as reading Tarot for almost 20 years.
In this moment, many of us wonder how we can help, and many may wonder ‘what good could rioting do?’ Stonewall was a moment among many when the violent state-sanctioned oppression and abuse of the unheard LGBTQ+ community caused an eruption. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. referred to riots a ‘self-defeating and socially destructive,’ but … Continue reading Stonewall was a Riot: When Compassion Gets Radical
All of us have been wronged in one way or another and the desire to stamp our feet and demand restitution is incredibly strong. There is a way, though, to find compassion for ourselves and for those who wronged us.