Support Us
Members and Friends of UUCC deepen their commitment to our covenantal community and to its mission through their active participation and through contributions of time and money. Although this congregation is associated with the larger denomination of Unitarian Universalism, we receive no financial support from the national headquarters. We exist solely due to the generous donations of each one of us. We are the UUCC. We invite your participation , your contributions— your support!
You can financially support UUCC in many ways:
- Annual pledging
- Undesignated donations in the offering plate
- Participating in various fundraising events
- Participating in our program for Planned Giving (Endowment)
Annual pledging: a promise of financial support
The annual canvass, or pledge drive, occurs generally in March so that a proposed budget for the coming program year can be voted on by the congregation at its annual meeting. UUCC can operate at the highest possible level only by knowing what financial resources it can expect during its fiscal year, from July 1 through June 30..
Although a pledge is required from each Member (beginning at their time of joining), it should be based on personal circumstances and with the expectation of fulfilling that promise. The UUA Fair Share Contribution Guide offers practical guidelines to determine pledge amounts. Many people are surprised to learn that the Fair Share Guide is not a creation of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). It was first developed in the 1990’s by the Henry David Thoreau Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Stafford, TX and subsequently adapted by the UUA as a helpful resource for all of us.
The Guide is a valuable tool in congregational giving for two reasons:
- It provides a range of practical gift levels for the individual or household making a new pledge to consider.
- It serves as a social justice tool, in that it recognizes people have varying capacities to give, based on their resources and other financial responsibilities,
Pledges may be made or modified at any time by obtaining a pledge card from the Administrator. Payments may be placed in the offering plate, mailed to UUCC, or by automatic payments through your personal banking account.
This is our congregation and our Unitarian Universalist movement. It is what we make it and accomplishes what we envision and support.
Undesignated donations in the offering plate
Half of our cash collection each Sunday goes to a designated local-area charitable organization through our Share the Plate program. Half of our cash collection goes into the general fund.
Participating in various fundraising events
Throughout the year there are events such as the annual chocolate auction, the sale of fair trade coffee, the Beltane crafters’ fair, and the Cabaret that benefited our Partner Church.
UUCC Endowment: a perpetual gift
The purpose of an endowment is to provide support in perpetuity and apart from the general operating funds budgeted annually for the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia. The endowment fund principal is not intended to be spent. Rather, the earnings from the endowment are used to support the purposes of the endowment and to continue growing the principal. Funds are managed by the UUCC Endowment Committee under the supervision of the UUCC Board. Endowment funds are invested in the Unitarian Universalist Common Endowment Fund which manages the investment assets from over 300 UU congregations.
An Endowment Fund provides an opportunity for those who contribute to leave a special legacy that helps ensure the growth and vitality of this Congregation as a nurturing, inclusive community well into the future.
UUCC Endowment Funds
Mohr Family Fund
The purposes of the Mohr Family Fund are to serve as an inspiration for long-term giving and to support the mission of the UUCC apart from the general operation of the Congregation. As such, MFF proceeds are intended to supplement but not supplant funds earmarked for the operation of the Congregation.
Capital Improvement Fund
The purpose of the Capital Improvement Fund is to enhance the mission of the UUCC through the provision of high quality physical facilities apart from the general operation of the Congregation. As such, Capital Improvement Fund proceeds are intended to supplement but not supplant funds earmarked for the UUCC physical facilities as part of the annual budget process.
RE Lifespan Fund
The purpose of the RE Lifespan Fund is to enhance the mission of the Religious Education program at the UUCC apart from the general operation of the Congregation. As such, RELF proceeds are intended to supplement but not supplant funds earmarked for the UUCC Religious Education program as part of the annual budget process. The UUCC’s Religious Education Program strives to provide developmentally appropriate programming that honors the natural wonder and questioning of children, youth and adults. We do so by offering thematic programs that are connected to our four pillars of UU education: world religions and the stories they teach us; our Judeo-Christian connections; our UU history and heritage; and our commitment to community service.
General Endowment Fund
The purpose of the UUCC General Endowment Fund is to support the mission of the Congregation in ways not already named above and as deemed appropriate by the Board and Endowment Committee as needed
Giving to the UUCC Endowment
Contributions in any amount to a UUCC Endowment Fund are welcome! To contribute by check, please write “UUCC Endowment” in the memo line followed by the name of the fund.
Gifts of real estate, stocks and bonds, and other tangible property are also welcome. Please see a member of the Endowment Committee, Board, or the minister to discuss a gift.
Creating a New Endowment
Members and friends may create a new endowment. The starting principal must be at least $10,000 and the endowment must be approved by the Board.
Legacy Gift
Members and friends are encouraged to consider designating an existing or new endowment in their estate planning. If requested, the Endowment Committee will provide/ suggest names of professionals in the Estate Planning field who will work with you to plan your gift for tax and other purposes.
Also consider some of these tangible ways of expressing your support for UUCC:
- Attend worship services regularly
- Take a turn teaching Sunday School
- March in the annual Pride Day Parade
- Fold programs for a worship service
- Work on grounds maintenance and beautification
- Participate in playground workdays
- Suggest ideas for adult programs of art exhibits
- Join a committee