Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia

Board of Trustees

Minutes of April 16, 2014 Meeting




Trustees present:  Ivy Coleman (Co-President), Robin Scherer (Co-President), Regina Moody (President Elect), Buzzie Kelly (Secretary), Bob Whitaker (Treasurer); Members at Large: Sandy Chubon, Marc Drews, Caroline Eastman, Jerry Moore, Phil Turner; Ex-Officio Members: Linda Brennison and Mike Sullivan (Finance Committee Co-Chairs), Ann Johnson (Past President), and Neal Jones (Minister). Also attending (partial attendance): Jean Capalbo and Betsy Kaemmerlen.


Call to Order and Establishment of Quorum

The meeting was called to order by Ivy at 6:52 p.m. She noted a quorum was present.


Reading and Check-In

Buzzie Kelly opened with a poem by Nan Ancrom (a UUCC member); all present gave brief personal updates to check in.


Approval of Minutes

On a motion from Phil Turner, seconded by Jerry Moore, the minutes of the March meeting were approved.


Treasurer’s Report

Bob Whitaker handed out the Treasurer’s Report and the Budget Variance Report. Pledges still remain about $10,000 below projections and non-pledges are off by $2,000. However, rentals have rallied and at the end of March that line item is $1,087 above projections. Buildings and Grounds is expected to spend the rest of their budget on stage renovations. However, because Kate Noel Wells (RE Assistant) will be out for two months on maternity leave, that budget line will likely end the year with a surplus. The Board Reserve stands at $5,878.


Stage Renovation

Jean Capalbo reported that two bids were received for renovating the stage. The stage and display cabinet will be removed and the opening will be covered with sheet rock. Once renovations are done, the stage will become a large storage area with double doors into the social hall and one door leading into the kitchen. The bids do not include any painting or installation of shelves. On a motion from Phil, seconded by Jerry, the board voted unanimously to accept the bid from Chrome Rhino, totaling $9,260, with $5,741 to be paid from the Buildings and Grounds budget and the remaining $3,509 to be paid from the Board reserves.


Bob volunteered to review the contracts prior to their being executing. Jean will notify Alexis Kisteneff, Jr. (from Chrome Rhino) that we are reviewing the contract and will oversee the construction. She will also request that one of the outlets scheduled to be put inside the storage area be placed in the social hall. Work is scheduled to begin on April 28 and should be completed in 5-7 days.


Memorial Garden Update

Betsy Kaemmerlen reported that $5,930 has been raised towards the construction of the Memorial Garden. This is enough to complete Phase 1 of the construction, which will include building the walls and columns and putting down the paving bricks (total cost is $5,580). Phase 2 will include granite capping and the construction of the fountain. Fundraising for Phase 2 will begin after the pledge drive is completed. Betsy recommended that we go with Browns River Construction, a company with good recommendations. On a motion from Phil, seconded by Jerry, the Board voted unanimously to accept Betsy’s recommendation to hire Browns River Construction for Phase 1 of the Memorial Garden, subject to a review of the contract by Bob Whitaker. Betsy will oversee the construction.


Search for Director of Religious Education (DRE)

Two candidates are being considered for the DRE position. No salary or benefits are included in the advertisement, although the Personnel Committee has recommended a salary of $17.50/hour and two weeks of paid vacation for the 32-hours-a-week position. Filling the Bookkeeper position (20 hours/month) will be put on hold until the DRE position is filled.


May 18 will be the last Sunday for Lisa Eason (current DRE); Robin Scherer will check to find out if CYRE is planning some kind of departing gift for her. On a motion from Ivy Coleman (Co-President), seconded by Phil, the Board voted unanimously to spend up to $100 to purchase departing gifts for both Lisa and departing Bookkeeper Ann Cargill ($50 per person) to come from the Board Contingency Fund.


Endowment Committee

Phil Turner reported that the Endowment Committee is building the current infrastructure for the Endowment Committee. The Committee plans to sell the Mohr Fund stocks and invest the proceeds in the Unitarian Universalist Common Endowment Fund (UUCEF).



Mike Sullivan and Linda Brennison (Finance Committee Co-Chairs) led a discussion of the 2014-2015 budget. The pledge drive target is $230,000 and current pledges are under by $40,000. Pledges so far total $190,120; if we get an additional $25,000, this will bring the total to $215,000. A list of individuals who pledged last year but who haven’t yet pledged for FY 14-15 was distributed. Board members selected individuals to contact with a reminder to send in their pledges by the end of April.


The salary of the DRE is currently at the mid-rate for a credentialed associate ($17.00/hour), and the UUA recommended salary of $17.50 is above the mid-rate for our area of the country. However, since the Administrator and Custodian salaries are not currently at the mid-range for our region and neither position includes paid vacation, the consensus was that all employees should be compensated at the recommended mid-rate before any additional compensation should be considered. On a motion from Phil, seconded by Buzzie, the Board voted unanimously to recommend that the hiring committee offer the new DRE a salary of $15.50/hour and be allowed to negotiate up to $16.32/hour. The position will be for 32 hours per week for 50 weeks/year, with no paid vacation.


Mike Sullivan will change the salaries on the 2014-2015 budget back to the current rates with no paid vacation. Neal Jones (Minister) will notify the Personnel Committee of the Board’s decision.


Other Issues

The Board Retreat is tentatively scheduled for August 23. The Congregational Meeting will be held on June 15, and the installation of new Board members will be July 13.


Action Items

Below are the action items to be followed up at the next Board meeting.

  1. Bob Whitaker will review the contract for the stage renovation prior to its execution.
  2. Jean Capalbo will notify Alexis Kisteneff, Jr. (from Chrome Rhino) that we are reviewing the contract and will oversee the construction. She will also request that one of the outlets scheduled to be put inside the storage area be placed in the social hall.
  3. Bob Whitaker will review the contract for construction of Phase 1 of the Memorial Garden prior to its execution.
  4. Betsy Kaemmerlen will oversee the construction of Phase 1 of the Memorial Garden.
  5. Robin Scherer will check to find out if CYRE is planning some kind of departing gift for DRE Lisa Eason.
  6. Board members will remind designated individuals who pledged last year but have not yet turned in their pledge for the 2014-2015 fiscal year to send in their pledges by the end of April.
  7. Neal Jones will notify the Personnel committee of the Board’s decision on the salary range for the new DRE.
  8. [ongoing] Caroline will ask the Technology Services Committee to create an “open house” meeting in 2014 to train committee chairs who were unable to attend the Committee Night Training to learn how to access and update their committee’s web page.
  9. [ongoing] Caroline will continue to provide an update on the website at Board meetings.
  10. [ongoing] Caroline will investigate what visitor information can be gathered for the website and will explain it at the next Board meeting.



The meeting was adjourned at 9:46 p.m.



Respectfully submitted by Buzzie Kelly, Secretary