UUCC Board of Trustees

Summary of September 17, 2014 Meeting

The Board of Trustees met September 17, 2014 from 6:35 PM to 9:30 PM.

Based on our discussions at the Board Retreat in August we have adopted the following Covenant:

We will show our mutual respect by practicing healthy communication and feedback, listening without interruption so all may be heard.  While we endeavor to be organized and stay focused on our agenda, we will do so in a positive, light-hearted manner.

Treasurer’s Report

Our income is too low to meet our basic expenses.  People are not paying their pledges in a timely manner.  Our rental income was higher than expected for July and August.

Committee Business

We still do not have chairpersons for two standing committees: Children and Youth Religious Education and Buildings and Grounds.

The Social Action Committee noted that we have no plans to contribute to the UUA Service Committee (UUSC) in the 2014-2015 fiscal year.  It was not selected by the congregation as a Share the Plate recipient and it was not included in our budget.  The Social Action Committee requested that we take a collection for the UUSC at the November Committee Night meeting.  The Board agreed to this suggestion.  Members and friends who do not attend Committee Night are welcome to donate to this effort.  (See the Order of Service on Sunday).

The Personnel Committee is advertising and accepting applications for a new Director of Religious Education.

The Memorial Garden Committee raised the money they need to finish construction.  They collected more money than they need for that project.  The contributor who provided a matching fund to reach the final goal has requested that the excess funds be used to help pay for shelving in the new store room.

Regina Moody has appointed an ad hoc committee of Buildings and Grounds/Interiors to consider installation of a large screen TV in the social hall.

The Safe Congregation Policies and Procedures received its last reading by the Board and was approved.  It has been posted on our web page.  Much gratitude was expressed for the ad hoc committee’s two years hard labor on this document and the accompanying policies for the safety of children and youth.  The committee members were Caroline Eastman, Neal Jones, Joe Long, Robin Scherer, Barbie Seymour, Dean Smith, Joan Watterson, and Keitha Whitaker, Chair.  The committee has been disbanded.

The Board gave the President authority to name a Facilities Assessment Task Force to make recommendations for maintenance of and capital improvements to the UUCC facility.

Submitted by

Sandy Chubon, Secretary